So far we've got Oprah Winfrey's "crime" of introducing a pregnant man on America. I ask, if I donned a feline costume would Oprah introduce me to the world as a CAT I would claim to be just for the attire?
Also, Cesar Laurean is captured in Mexico, updates on those fine adolescent girls who captured their crime on video, and a father who really married his biological daughter. Just when you thought it was bad as can be, it gets worse.
And a Foolish Funeral Felon plus updates on any ongoing True Crimes and active trials.
Pic of the Day

Teens Videotape Brutal Beating
It seems that this crime is America’s “Crime of the Week”. For it seems that at least once a week there is a crime that so captivates middle America, either from shock, fascination or utter revulsion.
The fine adolescents who arranged this particular crime seem to come from solid Middle America. They live in carpeted homes with shelves of glass that must not be disturbed while the beating of another teen is carefully videotaped for a later posting of the crime on YouTube.
POLK COUNTY, Fla. -- Video was released late Monday afternoon showing a brutal beating at the hands of a gang of teenage girls. Their motivation for the attack was allegedly so they could post the video on YouTube and MySpace.
Which this crime should shock us silly, frankly. What the hell has happened here that a bunch of ersatz “normal” teenagers think calling over an acquaintance with a lure only to beat her senseless upon her arrival while one fine proud teen records it all on videotape would be so cool?
Did they think their parents would just be so proud, so very proud of them? Did they think movie producers across the fruited plains would consider their cinema masterpiece a work of art worthy of an Oscar? Did they think their cowardly actions of hijacking another teen to be the stuff of heroic legends that Purple Hearts would rain down upon them?
These are the questions I ask my self. What the hell were they thinking? In pursuit of what honor or award were they seeking with such 360 degree despicable behavior?
Yesterday, after constant showing of the video on the cable news channels plus discussions with parents of the victim plus, in one sad case, a discussion with a parent of one of these fine adolescents, it was reported that these young people would be charged as adults for their crime.
Seven Polk County teenagers will face a judge tomorrow afternoon after being charged as adults for the videotaped beating of a classmate.
Today, the state attorney's office in Bartow decided to charge the seven as they did the 8th - who is already a legal adult at age 18.
The charges are battery and kidnapping. the latter carries a sentenece of up to life in prison.
Let the message to these idiots, listed below:
They are: Mercades Nicols, 17; Brittini Hardcastle, 17; Brittany Mayes, 17; Kayla Hassell, 15; Cara Murphy, 16; Zachary Ashley, 17; April Cooper 14; Stephen Schumaker, 18, be given to them LOUD AND CLEAR.
Hey, America is not PROUD or IMPRESSED by this behavior.
Yes I’ve heard one fool of a parent try to justify what went down on this video and I wanted to slap the woman silly.
The parent of one of the teens who assaulted that girl said that the victim said some nasty things on Myspace about the others and that she was fully expecting the beating.
Say what?
If that silly woman had a lawyer he or she sure wasn’t doing his or her job. Because there’s not much of nothing that will justify the cowardice and outrageousness of what went down.
The parents of:
They are: Mercades Nicols, 17; Brittini Hardcastle, 17; Brittany Mayes, 17; Kayla Hassell, 15; Cara Murphy, 16; Zachary Ashley, 17; April Cooper 14; Stephen Schumaker, 18…MUST BE SO PROUD of their children.
I had an embed of the video but evidently authorities have removed it.
Cesar Laurean Captured in Mexico!
Cesar Laurean, a fugitive Camp Lejeune Marine accused of killing a pregnant colleague, has been captured in Mexico by Mexican authorities and the FBI nearly three months to the day after fleeing Onslow County.
Reports on the morning cable shows this morning, 4/11/08, are that it might take a year to get this guy back to the United States. What with Mexico being such a fine, self-sufficient country filled with law-abiding folks working hard to make a living in their home country, this is understandable, those lying stinking hypocrites.
Whatever. Let Mr. Laurean, who murdered Maria Lauterbach who was almost full-term pregnant then buried her and her unborn baby in his BACKYARD, such a fine fellow whose mother must be so proud of him, spend that year in a nice Mexican prison.
Other scuttlebutt is that Laurean’s wife, who was working with investigators, allegedly, was communicating with this guy via her sister.

I’d had a story lined up regarding Lauterbach. At the bottom of this post I have a series of prior links of True Crime posts on this Blog regarding this case. Early on, when Maria Lauterbach went missing, it was her very own mother who pooh-poohed the disappearance as not much of concern, that Maria always tended to tell fibs. I have no respect for Maria’s mother because I think it was her own words that might have caused Christmas holiday happy local cops to put a search for Maria on the back burner. All the while the poor woman was buried in creep Laurean’s back yard.
Below NOW Maria’s mother is all on her high horse sniffing that investigators didn’t do their job in protecting her daughter. Hey, lady, you sure didn’t help your daughter’s case either your big mouth.
Mary Lauterbach, Maria's mother, wants to know why the Marines didn't do more to protect her daughter from Laurean, whom Maria Lauterbach had accused of rape in May 2007.
"My concern is I want women to be better protected," Lauterbach, of Dayton, Ohio, told CNN.
Jamiel Shaw’s Military Mom Says Country Let Her Down
The story of high school football adolescent, Jamiel Shaw, and his murder by a drive-by shooting, was first covered on this Blog HERE.
From the
ANITA Shaw says, "My country let me down." It's hard to argue with her. Not only did America let Anita Shaw down, so did California and Los Angeles.
Anita Shaw is a Sergeant in the U.S. army and was serving this country in Baghdad at the time her beloved son was gunned down in so-called “sanctuary city” Los Angeles by an illegal “gang-banger”, Pedro Espinosa.
Pedro had just completed his 180 day sentence for owning an illegal gun and 24 hours later he somehow found another gun and killed a member of the military’s son. For that 180 days nobody bothered to check ole Pedro’s immigration status because that’s not allowed in these fine, fine sanctuary cities.
Hey, what say you check, at the very least for God’s sake and common sense, the CRIMINALS’ immigration status so we ship these kind back home?
Or do we want American citizens and sons of soldiers to keep on being murdered by those who have no legal right to be in this country?
Remember Lisa Stebic?

The disappearance of Lisa Stebic was covered on this Blog HERE and HERE.
For if you want to murder your wife you really should move to Illinois, preferably around the Chicago area.
Lisa Stebic disappeared suddenly about a year ago after filing for her divorce from her fine husband, Craig Stebic. She has not been found and authorities think she is not alive.
Of course she’s not alive! The woman had small children and not a peep has been heard from her in almost a year.
Yet the fine Craig Stebic gets his car back and like Drew Peterson, these fine men still walk free while their wives have disappeared, poof, off of the planet. Illinois needs to get better police who don’t allow their colleagues free murders of wives disguised as falls in the bathtubs and that state really ought to consider maybe a prosecutor or two with some gonads.
I’m just saying.
Ladies, if you husband suddenly suggests up and moving to a suburb of Chicago, be worried, be very worried.
From the ChicagoTribune:
Lisa Stebic's husband and his attorneys were in court Monday to reclaim a car that was seized during the investigation into the Plainfield woman's disappearance and to try to stop her parents from seeking visitation rights with their grandchildren.
Texas Cult Evacuated for Child Abuse
This is just the strangest story. According to authorities, there had been a plant inside of this cult for FOUR years.
So let me get this straight…children were allegedly being abused in this cult and for four years nobody did anything? Then suddenly a call comes in from someone inside the compound, a young female allegedly, claiming she was forced to marry a 50-year-old man who regularly beat and choked her? And now they can’t FIND this victim even though over 400 children have been removed from this compound?
Folks, this is just the strangest case. Evidently, as I clear my throat, there’s much information not yet released to the public. At least I hope so. Because so far all I’ve heard is about investigators allowing child abuse to run rampant as an informant kept them abreast of it all for four years, and a victim who can’t be found. So far I’ve heard of not one charge being levied against anyone or one word from any alleged victim.
SAN ANGELO, Texas -- The 16-year-old girl whose call for help sparked a massive raid at the FLDS compound in Texas said her spiritual husband would "beat and hurt" her whenever he got angry -- once breaking her ribs, at other times choking her.
I sure hope somebody here has got a case because it’s starting to look very weird to us idiots out here in la-la land who don’t think much of government investigators allowing child abuse to go on without intervention and raids of private properties with no crime as of yet.
God Bless America and Naomi Campbell
Maybe Naomi should hire Barack’s fine wrong Reverend Wright to shout from the roof tops that America’s been cruel to her, that she’s been discriminated against for her color and she’s been denied the American dream which is the cause of her uncontrolled anger.
From The
Naomi Campbell has been banned from flying with British Airways following a row about lost baggage.
The supermodel, famed for her fiery temper, was removed from a BA flight last Thursday and arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5.
Miss Campbell, 37, allegedly spat at the officer during a furious dispute with airline staff.
So now she’s SPITTING on people? This woman who has been given the best America has to offer can’t act like, well like a normal person, just for starters?
Yes, I know she’s British.
Is anyone else sick of this woman?
Oprah Commits Another “Crime” of Deception
I happen to be in the doctor’s office and Oprah was on the overhead TV. Oprah, a lying sack of shit anymore, excuse my English, introduces, to the awe and wows from the audience, a “pregnant man”.
BEND, Oregon, April 4, 2008 ( - The mainstream media pushed the story of Thomas Beatie this past week, billing the story as the 'miraculous' male pregnancy. The startling news headline took the media by storm on April 1 (was this date a coincidence?), following Beatie's appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show and an interview in People magazine.
Ladies and gems, please.
This Thomas Beatie was no more a freaking man than ME.
Oprah Winfrey used to have a fine reputation but she seems to continually push bogus books upon us, then along comes Barack and, of course, Oprah has to endorse this deceitful fellow who cavorts with ministers who declare that America inflicted Aids on the black man, and now, go to hell, a pregnant man.
So why, just for example, couldn’t I dress up as a cat, say in a costume borrowed from the musical of the same name “CATS”?
Then why couldn’t Oprah, with the same amount of honesty in introducing that pregnant man, announce that, tada, today we have a HUMAN CAT?
At which point I would walk onto the stage to the gasps of the audience in my cat costume to purr and rub myself against Oprah’s leg?
I mean, why couldn’t I do that and why wouldn’t that be as “honest” as this pregnant man Oprah shoves at us like we’re all too stupid to figure it out?
Hey, any pregnant woman can dress up as a man for God’s sake.
So okay, this nut case Beatie had her breasts removed, a really admirable thing what with plans to have a baby you think you’d keep your breasts I’m just so impressed with this woman’s logic. No, I won’t call Thomas Beatie a man. She’s NOT a man. Y’all can call “him” what you want. Females have a uterus. Thomas Beatie has a uterus. This makes him a HER.
At least that’s how it works here in Delaware.
Nut case Beatie also had testosterone injections that allow for a beard, something, again, any pregnant woman could do and in fact I think that The Wise I could probably grow a beard to rival Beatie’s.
If deceiving people were a crime Oprah would have been off the air and in jail a long time ago.
Father and Daughter In Love-Have Child
If a man about to give birth to a baby isn’t bad enough, now we have a man “in love” with his biological daughter. The pair live together and had one child together, which died of a birth defect, duh.
They have another child which is allegedly normal.

She said the relationship between father and daughter began in 2000 when Mr Deaves made a business trip to Dubbo Zoo, which had been paid for by Jennifer who met him there.
Dorothy said Mr Deaves returned to Adelaide and told her he had slept with his daughter, whose marriage was breaking up.
"When he got back here, he said: 'I had the best sex I've ever had with her.'
“Dorothy” referred to above is Deaves’ second wife, who Deaves broke up with so he could live with his daughter. This fine fellow is couching his relationship with his biological daughter as occurring when the two had been separated for thirty years.
The second wife says this is not true, that Deaves’ daughter Jennifer lived with them while they were married and hey, he’s a pervert is all.
What about that poor child? Her father is also her grandfather.
The crazies, they reproduce, there’s the pity.
Couple of Foolish Felons for Smiles

This guy robs store after completing job application for same store.
Robinson filled out the job application to pass time until he and the clerk were alone in the store, according to police. After the last customer left, about 11:20 p.m. Wednesday, he went behind the counter, pressed a steak knife into the clerk's side and made off with the contents of her register, police said.
Robinson left his real name on the application along with his uncle's phone number, police said. However, the address he left on the application turned out to be bogus, said Detective Jeff Clark.
And this guy pretends to be dead when caught inside of a funeral home for God knows what reason.
MADRID, Spain -- A burglar who broke into a funeral home tried to fool police by playing dead, but two things gave him away. First, he breathed. Plus, he wore grungy clothes rather than the Sunday best of those settling in for eternal rest.
FOCUS ON Maria Lauterbach
She was a young woman enlisted in the United States Marines. She accused a fellow marine of raping her and so far there's been no explanation about that accusation save a rather unkind statement by Maria's own mother that she is bipolar and a known habitual liar.
Maria's disappearance was reported before Christmas but it wasn't until around 1/8 the following year that anyone got around to looking for the poor woman. Maria's body was discovered, burned and buried, in the backyard of that same marine she accused of raping her!
That fine young man took off somewhere for Mexico and as of the writing of this synopsis he's still there. Cesar Laurean's wife, however, was left behind and it's really confusing what she had to do with Maria's death.
First report on Blog of the missing pregnant marine
Information on Lauterbach continues to come in
Lauterbach's "mother" tries to save her reputation
Autopsy disputes suspect's story about Lauterbach's death

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