We close the door on Amanda Knox with some final thoughts, A couple of intriguing incidents involving airplane behavior by Muslims and TSA Internet posts that could be way more sinister than we know.
Of course, there's some Tiger Woods commentary.
Much more...all with pics and video you'll find nowhere else on the Internet.
Pic of the Day

What’s the True Story of AirTran flight 297?

The tale of the strange incidents on AirTran flight out of Atlanta on November 17 is weird not only because of what happened on board the plane, but also by how oddly AirTran is treating the release of facts concerning the incidents.
From various web sites, all listed below, here are the details as I’ve gleaned with all caveats noted.
First, know now that AirTran refers to this incident on its web site, Airtran.com, as “Flight 297 – Anatomy of an Urban Legend”.
Second, know now that I have seen very little coverage of this story in any of the Old Media except for a local TV station.
Third, know now that AirTran reports that the flight manifests from Flight 297 reveal that the original fellow who reported the incident was NOT a passenger on the plane. Know now that this fellow says he indeed WAS on the plane and that he has a boarding pass to prove it. Know now that the status of Gene Hackemack, the first to report the tale of AirTran Flight 297, is not yet clear to me as to whether he was a passenger on that plane or not.
Fourth, know that other passengers have verified the claims of Gene Hackemack.
Here’s what happened, according to Hackemack.
AirTran Flight 297 to Houston from Atlanta was taxiing out to the takeoff strip when 11 men seated in the back of the plane began to raise a ruckous. The uproar involved a video camera and some shenanigans which included passing the camera around, loud laughter, in general, a sense of horseplay making all passengers aboard the flight, including Hackemack, very uncomfortable. The 11 men involved with all the shenanigans were Muslim, or at least the original writer so asserted. Perhaps they were dressed in Muslim garb, it’s unclear to me how this was known.
At this point it’s important to note that Hackemack asserted in his first detail of the incident that the whole incident was a “dry run”, which I interpret to mean the enactment of a scripted series of events that “tests” various reactions to the acting to better determine how it might all come down during the “real” event and/or to ascertain any problems before arranging a true planned occurrence, ostensibly a terrorist action.
The flight attendant did ask one of the men passing around the camera to turn it off as it was not allowed during takeoff and I got the impression that the men weren’t sitting quietly and seat-belted properly as should be the case during take-off. I caution that the logistics and stature of the men during all this horseplay is not all that clear to me. What is quite clear to me is that the flight attendant asked somebody to sit down and this is VERY important, the pilot of the plane turned it around AND WENT BACK TO THE TERMINAL.
Evidently the pilot had radioed in his intentions to somebody because once the plane arrived back at the terminal several official types boarded the plane and in due course all 11 of the disruptors were removed from the plane.
The passengers remained on board, I must suppose it was expected that the plane would soon take off. But to everyone’s surprise, TEN OF THE MEN REMOVED FROM THE PLANE RE-BOARDED THE PLANE!
The pilot and the entire crew refused to fly with that group of fine folk and right behind the exit of these people, all of the passengers also refused to fly and all exited the plane. Flight 297 was eventually cancelled.
So okay, no Old Media reported this incident but it is a story percolating around the Internet and now is part of this Blogger’s weekly True Crime entry, read by two to three people every week.
AirTran is behaving with very insincere PR regarding this incident. The airline pooh-poohs the entire matter as being a matter between an unruly passenger and the airline but hey, eleven Muslim types refuse to behave during a flight takeoff, the incident disturbs the pilot enough to not only turn around but to REFUSE TO FLY WITH THAT GROUP, all of the passengers refused to fly with that group, the flight WAS cancelled.
Instead AirTran is attacking the person who originally reported the incident, perhaps with untruths.
First and foremost, 11 Muslim men behaved so badly on an airplane as to cause the plane to eventually be cancelled. AirTran cannot deny this fact.
11 Muslim men who could have, go with me here, just sat down and awaited the plane to take off and then they could have had their yuks and shared their video, even walk about the plane. Instead they acted like children, why?
Most of us, including that flight crew and those passengers, would not fly a plane with a bunch of jerks behaving so badly and the more intelligent amongst us will not forget 9-11 and other Muslim passengers who behaved so badly.
Next, why hasn’t this incident been reported? It’s not newsworthy? Such things are a matter of judgement, true, but this is, indeed, quite newsworthy and should, if nothing else, be investigated by more than the PR Gurus at AirTran.
Third, attack the messenger? Hackemack says he did dramatize his telling of the tale a bit, not expecting it to undergo such close scrutiny but isn’t Hackemack’s attempts to get a Pulitzer secondary to a plane being cancelled because of the ill-mannered behavior of 11 Muslim men?
I’m not convinced, as Hackemack originally so vehemently asserted, that this incident was a “dry run”, a precursor to a terror event. I am certainly convinced that it is an incident involving very bad behavior by a bunch of Muslims and these people do like to blow themselves up, fly airplanes into buildings, shoot innocent folks on army bases, from time to time.
Feel free to use the links provided for more detail on the incident.
Finally the incident, thanks to the Blogosphere, IS being investigated by the FAA.
No wait…would this be the same TSA arm of the FAA in the odd story below?
TSA Secret Information Documents Posted on Internet
This tidbit passes by with a fury one day last week and I am struck still. Soon enough the media storm is over but I sit and ponder.
First, let’s get this obligatory nod to the insane notion that we should turn over our health care to the government lest all our medical records be put on the Internet for the world to see.
Next, per the longish quote below, this wasn’t just a few blurbs about the TSA and an overview on how it must handle airport security, say for example, provided as a service to you the traveling public so you may understand why the delay and such.
This secret document below is quite explicit. In fact, the discovery of this little gem was made by a Blogger, but of course. The Old Media? Nothing.

The federal government improperly posted an internal guide to its airport passenger screening procedures on the Internet in a way that could offer insight into how to sidestep security.
The document outlines who is exempt from certain additional screening measures, including members of the U.S. armed forces, governors and lieutenant governors, the mayor of Washington, D.C., and their immediate families.
It offers examples of identification documents that screeners accept, including congressional, federal air marshal and CIA ID cards; and it explains that diplomatic pouches and certain foreign dignitaries with law enforcement escorts are not subjected to any screening at all. It said certain methods of verifying identification documents aren't used on all travelers during peak travel crushes.
Before I go into my alternate theory of how this whole mess might have ended up for all the world to see, more detail on just how this happened.
It would seem that there was some intent to have portions of this manual on the Internet for perusal by the American public for perhaps as I’ve suggested above, a peek into why we must get to the airport so early for our understanding or maybe just a gubmint PR sort of thing. Portions of the manual were “redacted”, which meant they were “blacked” out in some fashion. Obviously there are parts of the manual that the traveling public should not see lest they know security secrets they shouldn’t know.
Whatever fashion was used, it turned out that with just a click here and a tweak there, all of the redacted information was readily viewable.
Again, these are the people that will be charged with handling our sensitive medical information, the mind just boggles.
We now learn that five folks from this stellar gubmint agency, soon to be in charge of our health care, start praying.
From Yahoo.com:
Five Transportation Security Administration employees have been placed on administrative leave since it was discovered that sensitive guidelines about airport passenger screening were posted on the Internet.
Here’s my concern, not that there wasn’t a fine, fine Muslim fellow who recently shot up a bunch of his colleagues at Fort Hood army base all the while colluding with some other radical Muslim fellow and giving out all sorts of signs about his craziness. But what if a bunch of those TSA folks DELIBERATELY posted this TSA manual online with that redacted portion so easily removed?
We have what could arguably have been a “dry run” in the story of those well-behaved Muslim airline passengers above and hey, now we have the TSA manual on the Internet for all the terrorists across the planet to access for immediate information they might need to smuggle bombs and such on a plane. No need to be emailing or snail-mailing or phone calling just boom, put the thing on the Internet, let the word get out, and any terrorist with access to a laptop wanting to plan an attack just signs on and there it all is.
Not that, like I said, we didn’t have a fine fellow all in the army for years all nuts and threatening Jihad and in general waving red flags all over the place that here was a nut so why should we believe gubmint employees might overlook obvious signs of terrorists?
The Obligatory Tiger Woods Post
I imagine that I was just as flabberghasted as the rest of America over the recent Tiger Woods flap.
I mean, come on…he’s so cute! His wife is so pretty. His children are adorable!
One of Tiger’s conquests says she’s not a whore.
Then we hear that there’s non-stop action at Tiger’s house what with him driving his Escalade into trees and fire hydrants deep in the night and if that wasn’t enough, in early December there’s more late night action at the Woods’ house with mother-in-laws collapsing and goodness we all stand shocked, shocked I tell you.!

From Radaronlin…Tiger’s Mother-in-Law collapses in Woods’ House.
And every day here during this holiest of seasons we hear of yet another Tiger mistress/girlfriend and the latest as of this writing is that Tiger rather enjoys multiple partners, at the same time, and a Madame now reveals all the prurient details about Tiger’s enjoyment of a certain prostitute. Not that, by this time, anyone’s surprised at this turn of events, assuming it’s true.
The thing is, we’ve got Kobe Bryant, Iverson, all those football players and other sports figures and damn even the cute, young Phelps fellow got caught on film smoking dope so it’s not like sports types getting into trouble and such is anything new.
But Tiger Woods went to such great pains to create an almost angelic image. And whoever “handled” this ball of testosterone sure did a great job.
Tiger’s scandal is all the more shocking because of his formerly pristine image.
I suppose the man will continue to play golf but there will be snickers, lots of snickers.
Sometimes, as in the case of the impossibly talented, the unlimited wealthy, the unbounded beautiful, the only thing that keeps them humble and within some sort of normal behavior limits, is the mockery of the society around them.
Because Tiger, you got away with some kind of crime with that Escalade but okay, you can pay to fix the hydrant and you can probably buy ten new Escalades just on your chump change.
But you can’t buy off the collective snickers of all of America.
Maybe some other stupid jerk with everything America had to offer those with talent and a willingness to work hard –which Tiger Woods had, and did- will learn something.
But probably not.
**Immediately after I wrote this, Fox has the three thousandth breaking news and a press release from Tiger reveals he will be taking a leave from pro-golf.
Woman Shoots Intruder While On Phone With Dispatcher
This is a True Crime story that doesn’t involve a cute, precious child, or a pretty missing female, or a serial killer or even a stupid criminal.
And yet it’s one of the most heartbreaking stories grounded in a reality that had to be what it was and had to happen how it happened.
The story did capture the interest of many who follow such things and the release of the 911 tape is surely riveting.
From HotAir.com.
It’s not at all clear just why Billy Dean Riley was banging on the door of Donna Jackson but he was. Jackson phoned the police all the while Riley was banging on her door and even as he began to throw furniture at the door to gain entrance.
Jackson was on the phone with the dispatcher the whole time and it’s a short audio but it’s riveting.
The dispatcher did her best to get Jackson to safety from her determined intruder. Police were dispatched straightaway and obviously the police dispatcher wanted to avoid bloodshed.
But Riley, who is believed to have been high on some kind of drug, kept screaming and banging and throwing things at the door. Donna Jackson had a gun and told the dispatcher that while she didn’t want to shoot this guy, she’d shoot him “graveyard dead”.
The dispatcher urged Jackson to retreat into a safe room but Jackson refused to back into a corner and make herself more vulnerable.
Finally the dispatcher told Jackson that she will have to do what she must do.
And Jackson did. Billy dean Riley is dead. Graveyard dead.

Youtube video that so intrigued Internet viewers.
Amanda Knox-Over With…For Now
I am delighted that so many Americans haven’t bought into the spin purchased and paid for by the fine, fine murderess Amanda Knox and her family.
Some of the propaganda aims at Italian courts, some is based on the “truth” as told by none other than Amanada herself, some is that there are always people, out there somewhere, who need some criminal or another to champion their innocence despite their obvious guilt…I don’t know why this is so.
The full story of Amanda Knox has been detailed on this Blog ,HERE and HERE.
Amanda Knox has been tried in the judicial system of the country in which she committed her crime and has been found guilty.
Amanda did the deed, yes she did. Amanda Knox does not deserve any compassion or soft sobs. She brutally murdered her roommate even as the roommate was being sexually assaulted by one of Amanda’s druggie/drinking friends and as Amanda coldly slit her throat.
It’s over but we’ll leave the Amanda Knox story with a link to two very wise essays on the matter.
From Libby Purves:
Well, the appeal must decide whether the conviction is safe. But one thing that grotesquely stands out is the common expression “sexually adventurous”. Knox’s supporters online use it with indignant defensiveness (hey, man, this is the Sex and the City generation! We’re no prudes!). Media deploy it with gloating prurience.

From Ann Coulter:
Whether it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Weather Underground, Central Park rapists, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Jim Jones and the People's Temple, welfare recipients, Palestinian terrorists, murderers, abortionists, strippers or common criminals -- liberals always take the side of the enemies of civilization against civilization.
In the view of The New York Times, every criminal trial is a shocking miscarriage of justice -- except the ones that actually are shocking miscarriages of justice.
Thus, in last week's Times, Timothy Egan wrote about a shocking miscarriage of justice being carried out against a "high-spirited" American girl accused of murder by a crazed prosecutor in Perugia, Italy.
Those who want to waste their lives on the emptiness known as Amanda Knox just consider the very many who could use such dedication.
The rest of us are moving on.

Hillary’s Campaign Buddy Paid With Stimulus Funds
“Theft of the U.S. Treasure While Lying to the Public About It.”
Above is the name of the crime for which President Obama should be charged. And if the granting of six million dollars of the stimulus money alleged to be for “stimulating” the economy to Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Mark Penn’s firms to repay her campaign debt isn’t outright, brazen thievery of our tax dollars than there is no such thing.
The Obama administration laughs at our silly outrage and says the six million saved three jobs.
From Hot Air.com:
Nearly $6 million in stimulus money was paid to two firms run by Mark Penn (photo above), Hillary Clinton’s pollster in 2008.
Federal records show that $5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus helped preserve three jobs at Burson-Marsteller, the global public-relations and communications firm headed by Penn.
It’s kind of like Global Warming. You gotta close your eyes and pretend. Close your eyes and pretend that this money to pay off Hillary’s campaign debt, something Obama promised to do, is REALLY something the stimulus money should be paying and not robbery of our tax dollars.
Close your eyes and pretend the polar bears are dying.
Close your eyes and pretend that the Obama administration never lies or steals.
The man is lower in percentage approval rate at this point in his presidency than any other president…EVER.
Close your eyes and pretend it’ll get better once he takes over the country’s health care.
Pervert Appointed “Safe School Czar”
Although stealing so blatantly from the U.S. Treasury is a big crime we are expected to ignore, an argument can be made that at least it was us adults so fooled and robbed by electing Obama.
Making a pervert something called a “Safe School Czar” is really a crime against innocents.
Kevin Jennings formed an organization called GLSEN…meaning Gay/Lesbian/Straight/Education/Network. Before reading another word…say what?
Was there some sort of urgent need for this organization? Is this, like, a sex education sort of thing? Is the idea to extend such “education” to GAYS and LESBIANS up to an including STRAIGHTS?
But enough of my own personal confusion. Kevin Jennings has a right to create his organizations of choice.
From MassResistance:
Another Kevin Jennings/GLSEN outrage: Go to GLSEN-Boston's MySpace page (which attracts their teen audience). The "friends" include the expected GLBT organizations: Human Rights Campaign, Bisexual Resource Center, BAGLY, Lambda Legal, PFLAG, Translate Gender, Boston Dyke March. These are bad enough! But it also links kids directly to very sketchy adults with no organizational affiliation who are clearly cruising for sex. Outrageous.
Except now this Jennings character, so obsessed with sex, especially of the homosexual sort, has some really odd habits and “teaches” some really strange activities.
“Fisting”? “Water Works”? Safe Sex/young boy/older man?
His own GLSEN web site features sex ads from all sexual persuasions.
And yet THIS is the guy we appoint as something called SAFE SCHOOL CZAR?
In fact, it’s the very concept of a safe school czar, a “job” that Americans, all busy carrying this country on their backs, do not understand. Which is why the screams that should deafen us all are quiet.
If the Republicans could be found somewhere in the tanning booths, they should be all over the TV, op-eding in the Wall Street Journal, shouting from Fox News about this pervert who, evidently, will have some involvement with innocent school children.
There’s almost 300 million people in this country. So we need THIS pervert in charge of making our schools safe?
Talk about the fox guarding the hen house.
More Teacher/Student Sex But This Time Teacher’s Innocent
From AJC.com:
In June, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that, when the student is a willing participant and is 16 or older, the student’s consent can be a defense for teachers facing a sexual assault charge. The judge referenced that decision in his ruling.

This would fall under the “STRAIGHT” Education Network of Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN organization we must suppose.
I like to post stories about student/teacher sex relationships. They are most always illegal, often against school policy and almost always unethical.
Except in Georgia where this fine teacher Christopher King was able to have sex with a 16 year old student that was very legal.
Seems the state of Georgia thinks 16 year olds are mature enough to handle sex with a teacher.
Well the Judge had to rule as he did. The Georgia Supreme Court had ruled that despite the ethics of teacher King, the child he seduced was mature enough to handle it.
Hey, maybe the very mature student was educated by the GLSEN Safe School Czar?
In Honor of the Season…Ending With a Smile
Explanation below…
Well, there is good news and bad news about my Christmas decorations this year.
Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great stories. But two things made me take it down. First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by. Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard.
Kind of feel like I gave in to the man by taking him down but my neighbor did confirm to near miss accidents on the busy street next to my house. I think I made him too real this time
So it was fun while it lasted
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