This week we have:
-More police bad luck and a correction to my last week bad luck cop story from astute reader.
-Lots of Bad parents stories…the worst is the fellow who drowned his three children going on trial soon, a woman who says her baby was aborted but there’s serious doubt. On to parents who got their sentence for praying instead of getting medical help for their curable daughter, to a real smart one who allowed her child to ride in a box on top of the vane on to a mother who let her 13 year old son actually DRIVE the van.
-Dave Letterman thought he was going to joke this way out of this. Only problem is the guy is a creep and his creepiness is being exposed drip by tortuous drip.
-And those who hastily defended that child rapist Roman Polanski looking stupider by the day. An update on this creep.
-A rape victim ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation..that’s right, the VICTIM.
-He got drunk and killed his identical twin brother. This saddest of stories ends tragically.
-she lived a happening 100 years to get strangled in her nursing home.
Pic of the Day

Dave Letterman Can’t Joke His Way Out of His Creepiness
All but the most obtuse could tell that Dave Letterman caught his audience by surprise the night he announced, with a bit too much insouciance for comfort, that he’d been sleeping with various women on his staff. The audience laughed because hey, the folks were out for a night on the town, they were expecting comedy!
But folks there’s just times when a subject is way more than we want to know. Dave Letterman is hardly any handsome stud and so far most women with two X chromosomes don’t think much of a man who considers bedding a plethora of women a fine way of life.
It happens, we know it. There’s just something about this Letterman story that makes me want to change the channel every time I see that man’s smirking mug.
The fact that he told that really stupid joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter certainly doesn’t help my attitude. She got knocked up by David Axelrod…yeah that one. It wasn’t even funny and now we find out that ole Dave been hopping in and out of bed like he’s got Viagara instead of blood in his veins.
I don’t think Dave Letterman’s going to survive this. I know he chose to come clean because of all some blackmailer, who will likely never serve a day in jail…come on, has against him. This is the sort of distasteful thing that builds up as revelations come out. Cause we all know, deep in our hearts, that this story isn’t about Dave Letterman having some loving relationship with some woman on his staff eons ago.
We begin with the affair Letterman carried on with Stephanie Birkitt, details here, even AFTER he married his wife and mother of his son and AFTER SHE was allegedly in a relationship with the blackmailer.
Pretty former "Late Show" staffer Stephanie Birkitt revealed in her diary that she continued having sex with boss David Letterman even after moving in with her CBS-producer boyfriend, who later allegedly tried to extort him over the affair, sources told The Post yesterday.

Everybody noticed that Letterman said he’d had sex with (even that phrase is creepy…”had sex with”…no love, no affair, no reference to a relationship…only “had sex with”) SEVERAL women on his staff.
Now the women with whom Letterman “had sex with” have been identified, details here.
Two former female employees have come forward. Another, whom sources say may have triggered the extortion plot, has remained quiet. Here's what we know about the three of them.
Once upon a time this country had a mighty revolution that was supposed to emancipate women from being pressured by male employees on the job…also known as sexual favors for a paycheck.
Bill Clinton made that concept a joke and now Dave Letterman admits on nationwide TV that he “had sex with” many women on his staff.
And I ask the obligatory…Where is the National Organization of Women?
Thugs Thought Victims Were Tranvestites…Heh
This is a somewhat difficult article to understand as it is written using British slang.
It would seem two “yobs” had a bit too much too drink and staggered upon a couple of obvious men dressed as women. Thinking they were transvestites, easy prey I assume the thugs figured, they attacked them with an intent to rob.
It would turn out that the “transvestites” were “cage fighters”. In American cage fighters are wrestlers who fight in a cage. The cage fighters were out for a night on the town. Why they were dressed like women is not clear.
But it was the drunks who got the worse end of this deal, as one might yuk and imagine.
Bad Parenting 1

Madeline Neumann was a pretty little girl who should be alive today. She died of what was described as having an undiagnosed but treatable form of diabetes. Her parents didn’t seek medical help for Madeline but chose to pray instead.
WAUSAU, Wis. (Oct. 6) - A central Wisconsin couple who prayed rather than seek medical care for their 11-year-old dying daughter were sentenced Tuesday to six months in jail and 10 years probation in the girl's death.
The judge described Madeline’s parents as “very good people” who made a “bad decision”.
They only got a six month jail sentence and when all is said and done, there’s not much need to keep this very misguided couple behind bars. They are certainly no danger to society. If only Madeline had a champion before it was too late.
Bad Parenting 2
The cardboard box wouldn’t fit in the car, or so this very stupid woman explained to the police.
From the
ALBERTVILLE, Ala. - A woman was charged with endangering the welfare of a child after police said she let her daughter ride in a box on top of their van. Albertville Police spokesman Sgt. Jamie Smith said 37-year-old Jackie Denise Knott was arrested Sunday after police received a call of a minivan traveling on U.S. 431 with a large cardboard box on top with a child inside.
Knott put the child inside the box to hold it down. She thought it was safe because the box was secured to the van with a coat hanger.
You cannot make this stuff up, folks.
Bad Parenting 3
Now we have a drunk woman and her drunk boyfriend who had their 13-year-old son drive their van home.
A Marin County woman faces charges for allegedly letting her 13-year-old son drive her and her boyfriend from a restaurant because they had been drinking, authorities said today.
Both of this fine duo had arrests for drinking and driving so they came up with this responsible solution.
Botched Abortion Baby Born Alive
Whoever wrote this story obviously graduated from a public school. This is the most poorly written news story I’ve come across in a long time.
The trial of Belkis Gonzalez, who was arrested on two felony counts related to the death of a baby in a botched abortion case, begins on Friday. In the botched abortion incident a young woman named Sycloria Williams went to the GYN Diagnostic Center abortion facility in Hialeah, outside Miami, for an abortion.

As I have been able to ascertain, this Gonzalez woman is some health practitioner who was faced with a live birth when the abortionist didn’t show up to do the abortion. The women who had the abortion had been given some abortion causing drugs the day before and when she came in to “deliver” what should have been a dead baby the baby was born alive.
This is one of those cases, folks, that is referred to as the “living baby” problem. It probably doesn’t happen all that often, but sometimes a baby that should not have breathed a living death is born alive. This turn of events is a problem because an aborted baby born alive is a baby that was, well it was not meant to be born alive. Duh.
State prosecutors are left with a dilemma because when these living babies are killed, as one was in this case, is it still a botched abortion, or is it muder?
It was a Chicago case that had Obama voting against, the “baby born alive act” after a botched abortion baby was born alive and was left in a laundry room to die. Which is did but the death took an hour. Most Americans wouldn’t allow such horrific treatment to a puppy much less a human being. Nobody outright “murdered” that baby but nobody tried to save it either.
And President Obama voted that nobody should ever be forced to keep the baby alive in the future either. A nurse sat in that laundry room and held that precious infant for an hour until it died.
Trial Begins for Father Who Drowned Three Children
The defense lawyers for this guy are trying to get his confession inadmissible. But of course. Because this fine fellow described, on audio tape, how he held each struggling child under water until he or she died.
In 2008, from Foxnews:
The mother of three young children who were allegedly drowned by their father in a Baltimore hotel room said Thursday that her estranged husband was becoming angrier in the weeks preceding the children's deaths.
Still, Amy Castillo said she did not notice anything out of the ordinary on Saturday when she turned her children over to Mark Castillo for a regularly scheduled visitation. It turned out to be the last time she would see her children — Anthony, 6; Austin, 4; and Athena, 2.
Roman Polanski Denied Release From Swiss Prison
Child rapist Roman Polanski doesn’t seem to be having too much luck in the public relations area. The world doesn’t think much of child rapists, silly people.

from USA today:
GENEVA (AP) — Roman Polanski lost his first bid to win his freedom Tuesday as the Swiss Justice Ministry rejected an appeal by the director to be immediately released from prison, an official said.
"We continue to be of the opinion that there is a high risk of flight," said ministry spokesman Folco Galli, explaining the decision.
They think he’s a flight risk, imagine that!
Those creepy Hollywood types still defend this guy. Now we have
Tom Shales defending Polanski’s rape of this young girl by arguing that 13 year olds in Hollywood are much “older” than 13 year olds in other areas of the country.
I covered this story in the last True Crime post HERE. Read it if you have not because I quote the fine, fine Polanski himself about why everyone thinks he should get off for this crime. If you ever wanted to give Polanski even a smidgeon of the benefit of the doubt, this quote of his will change your mind handily.
And finally we have a famous French pedophile defending Polanski HERE stating that NOTHING is unforgiveable.
Here is what Frederic Mitterand., nephew of a former French prime minister, wrote in his 2005 autobiography.
I got into the habit of paying for boys… All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excite me enormously… One could judge this abominable spectacle from a moral standpoint but it pleases me beyond the reasonable… The profusion of very attractive and immediately available young boys puts me in a state of desire that I no longer need to hinder nor hide… as I know that I will not be refused.
Assume safely that anybody defending this guy is likely a pervert his or her self. Next Dave Letterman will come out and support this guy.
The Saddest True Crime This Year
I can’t think of anything that can top this for a tragic turn of fate that will leave us all shaking our heads.
Timothy Willgruber was 57 years old. He had an identical twin brother named Thomas. Thomas was trying to guide his drunken twin brother into a parallel parking space that night of Timothy’s drunken spree. Timothy’s foot evidently slipped off the brake pedal onto the gas propelling Timothy’s car forward and pinning him against another vehicle causing his twin brother’s death.
There was no choice but to punish Timothy. He killed someone while drinking and driving. He was facing charges of vehicular homicide and drinking while driving.
Timothy’s grief and horror were too much to bear. Timothy hung himself before charges could be brought.
Bad Luck Cops
I’d written a very tragic story about a police officer who’d inadvertantly killed a robbery victim instead of the actual perp then actively in the process of attacking the man, HERE.
I speculated that sticking a murder charge on the actual robber, who DID not, keep in mind, pull the trigger that killed the victim, seemed like it might be a prosecutorial trick to help assuage the police officer of a whole shit load of guilt.
A reader pointed out that my speculation was not based on fact.
Google "felony murder rule." Summarizing, if in the commission of a felonious crime a death occurs, then it is on the perpetrators whether they did the killing or not. I doubt the charge of murder is to make the rookie feel better but call to account the thugs whose actions lead to a person's death.
That was a very sad story and while I understand the explanation by the reader, I’m kind of doubtful the robber will be found guilty of murder but might not get much leeway for the robbery charge. Just a hunch.
So we have a couple more unlucky cop stories.
HERE we have a police officer who shot at a dog and hit a bystander.
LA MARQUE, TX (KTRK) -- A woman who was shot by an officer in La Marque has been released from the hospital. Investigators say the shooting happened after a police officer responded to a disturbance. The officer drew her weapon to fire at a dog, but accidentally shot a woman standing nearby.
HERE we have a story about a cop who shot a homeowner, thinking he was an intruder.
When Tony Arambula managed to corner an armed intruder in his son's bedroom he expected police to come to his aid.
I am in no way condemning police officers. I must suppose that this type of thing happens way more than I ever knew. I am not likely to shoot someone by accident but my job doesn’t require me to carry around a loaded gun that I must often use in adrenaline-rushed events with spur of the moment time to plan.
She Just Celebrated Her 100th Birthday; Found Dead In Her Nursing Home Bed

This is a somewhat strange story, requiring some serious reading between the lines. Elizabeth Barrow was found dead in her bed with a plastic bag over her head in late September of this year.
BOSTON (Oct. 8) - A 100-year-old woman who was found dead last month in a Massachusetts nursing home had been strangled.
Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter said Wednesday that Elizabeth Barrow was found dead in her bed during a routine check Sept. 24 by staff at Brandon Woods Nursing home in Dartmouth.
Who on earth would kill such an elderly woman in her bed, and why?
The article points out that Barrow shared a room with another resident. This murder had to be done by either that room-mate or an employee of the nursing home.
The district attorney refused to release any other details. Which means, to me, that the district attorney HAS details and I speculate the DA likely knows who the murderer is.
Decision to Force Rape Victim to Undergo Psych Exam Overturned
This is another somewhat confusing story. The victim in this case had been drinking the night of the rape and also admitted that she had been taking prescription drugs at the time.
The defendant’s lawyer requested a hearing from superior court to require the victim to undergo a psychiatric profile. It’s easy to see how such a decision could have drastic, perhaps national, consequences.
A three judge panel determined that the defendant’s argument was a good one. Evidently the victim was unable to describe many circumstances, surroundings etc about the night of the attack. A subsequent “en banc” panel of 9 judges overturned that ruling.
From the Timesleader
WILKES-BARRE – In a decision that will have statewide impact, the state Superior Court on Tuesday overturned a Luzerne County judge’s ruling that ordered an alleged rape victim to undergo an involuntary psychiatric evaluation.
Times Leader Photo StoreThe court, with one dissent, determined Judge Peter Paul Olszewski Jr. misapplied the law when he determined the defendant, Daryl Boich, had presented compelling evidence that the evaluation was needed to ensure the woman was competent to testify.
What’s not clear here is just what evidence they have against the defendant. If they’ve got DNA on this fellow well right there’s pretty incriminating evidence. What difference does it make if the victim can’t describe the bar’s wallpaper?
A drunk, even drugged, rape victim is STILL a victim. She is only guilty of bad judgement.
Sounds like this defense attorney was grabbing at straws to ruin the woman’s credibility.
Let the jury decide…don’t make the victim undergo a barrage of psychological tests that will likely do nothing but humiliate the victim even more.
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