How about a fine Dad who makes his daughter kill her own pet cat? Or a daughter who lets her elderly mother lay on the floor where she fell for weeks? A fine fellow killed his friend in order to marry his wife and he's finally brought to justice.
Another female teacher gets a young adolescent into bed, she must be so proud of herself. A Lesbian rendezvous ends in murder, more on the UNC murder and the Ricin man comes out of coma.
Police release possible pic of Tinley Park Lane Bryant murderer's SUV.
Finally, a stupid criminal who got caught by his own ankle cuff, how dumb can you be?
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Two Fine Fellows Charged in UNC Carson Murder Maybe Involved In Another Murder
Abhijit Mahato was murdered in his apartment on Jan. 18 of this year. Seems the fine Lawrence Lovette had Mahato's cell phone on him after arresting him for the murder, along with his buddy Demario Atwater, for the murder of UNC class President Eve Carson.
So at least Lovette has been going around willy-nilly murdering people and taking those articles he needed. Of course, Lovette needed a cell phone and since he already killed the guy...
So far investigators have no proof that Atwater was involved in the murder of Mahato but they're certainly looking into it.
Thank God this pair is off the street. Because should they need a watch, and you're wearing one...boom, you're dead.
Durham, N.C. - A cell phone helped link Lawrence Alvin Lovette, the second suspect charged with murder in the death of UNC Student Body President Eve Carson, to the shooting death of a Duke graduate student.
Durham County Assistant District Attorney Tracey Cline said during a brief court proceeding on Friday that the phone and an iPod stolen from Abhijit Mahato's apartment the night he was killed was found on Lovette when police detained him Thursday morning in the Carson case.
Man Forces 7-Year Old Daughter to Stab Pet Cat
He was an 8-month-old tuxedo cat named Boots. This fine, fine father, Donield Collins, at first commanded his 11 year old son to kill the cat. The poor kid hid the cat under the sofa and smeared catsup on himself to try and convince his drunken father that the deed had been done.
The drunken father was not fooled and subsequently put the knife in his daughter's hand and held it tight while stabbing the cat.
MUNCIE, Indiana (AP) -- A man was jailed Thursday on charges that he forced his 7-year-old daughter to kill the family cat by holding a knife in her hand and making her stab the pet.
Danield J. Collins, 39, told his children during a visit to his home Sunday that he wanted them to "learn how to kill" and gave his 11-year-old son a knife to do it, according to an affidavit filed in the case.
Just when you think it's the worst it can be, it gets worse.
Lesbian Three Way Ends In Bloody Murder
This is a bizarre one. For Michele Burton is now very dead, brutally dead, clumps of hair and multiple stab wounds dead. And it's very likely, from what I glean from reading the article linked below, that Michele and her boyfriend had likely been trolling for some 3 way sex although this is my speculation only.
BREMERTON, Wash. -- A woman was found dead in hear home's yard near Panther Lake Wednesday night, said Kitsap County sheriff's deputies.
Deputies arrested 33-year-old Amber Jodene Debord for investigation of killing 36-year-old Michele Lee Burton, said the Kitsap County Coroner's office.
Michele Burton and her boyfriend went back to Burton's house with the fine Jodene Debord and somehow Michele ended up very dead while Jodene had blood all over her fine person.
Michele's boyfriend, it is alleged, got angry when he discovered the women nude in Michele's bed and stomped out in anger.
I don't believe this for a minute. Michele and her boyfriend leave the bar with Jodene Debord and later the two ladies end up in bed completely unbeknownst to Michele's boyfriend? And he stomped out in anger from his surprise?
Evidently the fine Debord had a nasty history of violence when deep in her cups.
Police Release Video of Lane Bryant Killer's Possible Vehicle
On Feb. 2, 2008, a fine man walked into Tinley Park Mall's Lane Bryant store pretending to be a UPS man. He chatted with some customers, then made six women lie on the floor while he duct taped their hands behind their back and ruthlessly shot them in the head. One victim survived.
Nearly six weeks after the slayings of five women inside a Tinley Park Lane Bryant clothing store, police on Thursday released a series of photos captured from a nearby video camera they hope can provide more clues in the hunt for the killer.
Somebody somewhere is hiding this guy. He's now been featured on "America's Most Wanted". Below a sketch of the guy and that alleged SUV pic. I can't see a thing in that pic but police say the photo shows an SUV parked in front of the Lane Bryant as opposed to a more normal parking spot in the mall parking lot.

Columbine Style Plot Foiled in Florida
Obviously this completely overlooked story could never get the attention garnered by the massacres at Columbine or Virginia Tech. But here we've got three students all busy plotting to kill many of their classmates ending with pointing the gun to their own heads. The plot was foiled in that persons who discovered the plot did the right thing and reported it.
This is the only way these sorts of horror will be stopped but don't expect the Media to get busy reporting the story that has no blood and gore.
These kids were all only 13 and their names are carefully being kept secret because they are, er, children.
DELAND, Fla. - Three middle school students were charged Friday with plotting to kill their classmates and themselves, police said.
Two boys and a girl, all 13, were taken into custody shortly after the plan was discovered on March 5. Their mental health was evaluated before they were transferred Friday to a juvenile detention center, said Volusia County sheriff's spokesman Gary Davidson.
Ricin Man Comes Out of Coma
That's it.
A man who went into a coma believed to be induced by exposure to deadly Ricin has reportedly awakened from his coma. Vials of powdered Ricin were also found in his Vegas hotel room.
So that's it. This guy emerged from his coma as reported on the link below on 3/14/08. He is being questioned by authorities.
Well he certainly should be! Now I sit and wait the information on how this guy got a hold of Ricin and what he intended to do with it.
Is my government keeping this a secret? Enquiring minds want to know.
LAS VEGAS - A man who may have been exposed to toxic ricin in his motel room a month ago has regained consciousness and was being questioned by investigators, authorities said Friday. Roger Bergendorff, 57, remained in critical condition in a hospital, where he has been hospitalized and unable to speak since February 14.
Fine Daughter Leaves Elderly Mother on Floor Where She Fell
Here's a rather strange story. Helen Frizzell falls down inside the home she shares with her daughter Carole. Daughter Carole doesn't call 9-11 for help because she says her fallen mother told her not to. So Carole feeds her mother on the floor where her mother fell and cleans up her mother's waste. The elderly women was besieged by insects attracted to the mess.
From Herald
SARASOTA - Helen Frizzell, 94, fell and was injured inside her School Avenue home, then lay in virtually the same spot for more than two weeks after no one in the house called for help.
Her 65-year-old daughter, Carole, told police that her mother was too heavy and she could not move her. Carole Frizzell told detectives that her mother was also adamant that nobody call 911.
Carole Frizzell was finally arrested for neglect of the elderly as her mother died in the hospital immediately after being rescued. It was a car salesman who finally reported the elderly woman, this after the fine Carole told the car salesman about her mother's fall during a transaction to purchase a car.
Who knows what the obviously stupid daughter was thinking by leaving her mother there to die but she sure was out and about buying a new car, wasn't she?
Bodies Located At Old Manson Ranch?
Here's an intriguing story currently flying under the radar. Although I occasionally hear references to search dogs being sent out to a ranch once occupied by Charles Manson and his fine group of weirdos on the cable networks.
I remember the Manson crimes very well, how the nut cases descended upon actress Sharon Tate's and killed her and her unborn baby.
Today, local Mammoth Lakes police Sergeant Paul Dostie and his K-9 partner, Buster, a black Labrador retriever, are using Buster's keen sense of smell to stir the pot at the Barker Ranch, an old Manson Family hangout in Death Valley.
On Feb. 24, 2007, Dostie, Buster and several other Human Remains Detection dogs and their handlers visited the Barker Ranch. It was Buster's first real search and Dostie chose the Barker Ranch because of his intrigue with the local spot.
The Barker ranch is located in Death Valley and for years rumors have abounded that the Manson "family" buried many dead bodies there. Now cadaver search dogs are being used to locate possible bodies and scuttlebutt is that something is being detected by the newly trained dogs.
We'll be keeping an eye out on this.
Kills His Friend So He Could Marry His Wife; Finally Sentenced Three Decades Later
What's even more surprising, the wife, Patricia Dillon, actually married her husband's murderer.
From Chicago
MONTROSE, Pa. - A doctor was sentenced Friday to life in prison for murdering his best friend more than three decades ago so he could marry the friend's wife.
Dr. Stephen Scher, 67, received the sentence in Susquehanna County Court the day after a jury convicted him of first-degree murder in the 1976 slaying of Martin Dillon. He declined an opportunity to speak in court.
Dr. Scher was having a blatant affair with Martin Dillon's wife, Patricia. When Martin found out about the affair, he confronted his wife and demanded that she choose either him or the doctor.
Soon after, Dr. Scher "accidentally" shot Martin during a skeet shoot. It's not clear why Martin would indulge in such activity with a fellow having an affair with his wife and it's really not clear why Pat Dillon married the man who shot her husband. Although she had been having an affair with him and how convenient was this?
A re-investigation into Dillon's death concluded that Martin's death was a homicide and finally his killer will come to justice.
Another Teacher Having Sex With Young Male Student
I wonder how teachers are hired nowadays. This fine member of the mighty teacher's union had been arrested twice before, one for DUI and one for assault. Both charges were dropped.
Still, doesn't a record indicate something bad for one who would teach our children? Now this fine piece of womanhood admits to having sex with a 14 year old boy who turned 15 this past year?
From Tampa
TAMPA - A 28-year-old math teacher was arrested Thursday, accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy.
Stephanie Marie Ragusa didn't have the student in any of her classes, a Hillsborough Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said. But she met the boy on campus while she was working as a special education teacher at Davidsen Middle School last year.
Stupid Criminal Alert

So this fellow is wearing an ankle bracelet and hey, they use these things for a reason! But he goes along wearing the ankle bracelet, which can't be removed, committing all sorts of burglaries, just robbing and having a lark.
Finally his bracelet revealed his location at a time when he could be picked up. His GPS trail left behind by his ankle bracelet will serve to convict him of his one-man crime wave.
SPRINGFIELD - Perhaps James Wombles thought he made a clean getaway when he reportedly committed multiple burglaries in Clark and Miami counties between December and January.
But authorities tracked the Montgomery County man down by following the GPS signals from his electronic monitoring bracelet. He has been in the Miami County Jail since his Jan. 22 arrest on charges of receiving stolen property.
He had been stabbed 36 times, mostly shallow cuts. His body was found, face down, in the muddy waters of a small creek in Amish Pennsylvania. His death appears to have been from drowning, with the unstated supposition that had he not been in the creek he would have eventually bled out from his wounds.
There's many interesting facets of the Jonathan Luna case, including one factoid I found so very telling yet is buried beneath the verbiage and reporting on this case.
Start here on this initial post with the detail of Luna's death and information on his life before his odd journey to Pennsylvania in the middle of the night.
Here's a post compiled almost six months after the initial post. I re-visit my original post and theory concerning Jonathan Luna's death and found I am still correct as to how it came down.
A commenter challenges my theory about Jonathan Luna. In this post I break down that challenge with no mercy.

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