Pregnant teens attack their group home leader, a fine group of guys try to enroll a sex offender in a school and a weird youngster stabs a schoolmate in cold blood.
Will that radio show with the water ingestion stunt become a True Crime? Someone died from it.
Finally, getting to the bottom of the tale of those border agents.
Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day"Better slip with foot than with tongue." |
Web Site Worth the Visit Status of the Moon on the Night You Were Born This is cool. After you've finished reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the night you were born. This is neat. CLICK HERE |
TIDBITS "Things You Should Know Before You're 50" 1. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. 2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be "meetings." 3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." 4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them. 5. And when G~d, who created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deliver a message to humanity, He WILL NOT use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle. 6. You should not confuse your career with your life. 7. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. 8. When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy. 9. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. 10. Never lick a steak knife. 11. Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie. 12. The most powerful force in the universe is gossip. 13. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. 14. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment. 15. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age thirteen. 16. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers. 17. The main accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are not in them. 18. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. 19. Your friends love you anyway. |

Woman Dies From Excess Water Ingestion Due to Radio Stunt
By the time of this writing, the story of Jennifer Strange, who died from participation in a radio sponsored contest that required a great ingestion of water, is well known. Her story is also being debated across the fruited plains of the Internet and by my unscientific research, it seems the American public is split 50-50 as to who's the idiot here.
Jennifer wanted to win a Nintendo game for her children, which was the prize for this contest. Accounts vary as to how it all came down and how the radio station handled the entire matter.
Scuttlebutt has it that the shock jocks involved in this were a bit cavalier about it all, pooh-poohing one caller who proclaimed to be a medical professional and warned of the dangers of the stunt. The jocks guffawed in response to the warning and said there was no problem, that they have signed waivers.
Myself is a firm believer that one must properly suffer or enjoy the consequences of one's own behavior, depending on how it comes down. Choosing to participate in a contest, be it eating bugs on "Survivor" or bungee jumping off a tall clift with a short rope, is just that...a CHOICE. However, it sure seems to me that the contestant should at least be aware of the various dangers or even if there is any danger at all in participating in a specific activity.
I'm not at all sure the average human being would be aware that drinking too much water can kill you. For sure The Wise I wouldn't know it. And I am considered to be of at least average intelligence by most folks but still, I had no idea excessive water ingestion can kill you. Somewhere in the folds of my brain I'd likely consider that too much water ingestion can make you feel damn sick but death? I simply had no idea ...
At the very least, that radio station can expect to be sued from Jennifer's family.
Lawyers for the family of a woman who died after drinking nearly two gallons of water in an on-air radio contest said Thursday they will file a wrongful death lawsuit to make an example out of the station and attempt to curb the recklessness of shock jock radio.
"We believe we can get a judgment that people across the country will have to pay attention to," said Roger Dreyer, a personal injury lawyer who accused radio station KDND-FM of knowing of the dangers of the water-drinking contest but continuing anyway.
He charged that the contest that preceded the death of 28-year-old Jennifer Lea Strange, a mother of three from the Sacramento suburb of Rancho Cordova, was nothing more than a ratings stunt designed to boost profits.

At worst, there could very well be criminal charges stemming from that radio station's lack of oversight.
From the
Sacramento County Sheriff John McGinness assigned two homicide detectives Wednesday to investigate the apparent water-intoxication death of a Rancho Cordova woman who competed in a radio-station stunt to win a Nintendo gaming console.
See, it's "Running a Business 101", the notion that sponsoring a contest such as this one would require a thorough vetting by legal and health experts. And a radio station has the added burden of being a user of the public air waves and the responsibility that comes with this.
I can also envision a scenario where those shock jocks' quote that there's no problem, that "we've got waivers" is played over and over in front of a jury. Talk about bad PR. In light of the death that resulted from that duo's hijinks, their offhand remark that a human life doesn't matter because, HEY, WE GOT WAIVERS, just won't go over well to a juror's ears.
What will likely happen is that the radio station will settle with Jennifer Strange's family out of court. I doubt there will be a criminal probe because no one really wanted anyone to die. The radio station sure doesn't want all the bad PR that would come out of a trial. And the public good would not be better served if those stupid jocks went to jail. They should be fired, however, and I think they were.
No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished
They're unwed and they're pregnant.
Which doesn't mean they can't be ungrateful criminals.
AMERICAN FORK — Police are looking for three pregnant teens who they believe fled a residential group home after attacking the home's director Tuesday, and then stealing her car and credit cards.
"Three of the girls, two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old, hit the director over the head with a frying pan and then they took some electrical cords and tied her up and put a sock in her mouth and taped her mouth," said American Fork Police Sgt. Shauna Greening.
The home, which provides a place to stay for struggling pregnant teens, had four teenage residents at the time of the incident. The teens accused of attacking the home's director also tied up a 17-year-old girl.
Those Border Agents-What's the Deal?
I've been hearing sound bytes all week about this prosecution of two border guards. Let me quickly go through the many bits and pieces mine lying ears heard: These two guards were only doing their job; This drug dealer from Mexico had a long record; The border guards shot the man in the back; The alleged drug dealer was carrying no drugs; Tony Snow stated firmly at a White House Press Conference that Bush would not grant the boarder guards any pardon; A source at the White House intimated that the White House WOULD be considering pardons for these two guards.
As two border patrol agents face the commencement of prison terms for shooting and wounding a man smuggling drugs into the U.S, five congressman are calling on Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to intervene.
The lawmakers have asked President Bush to pardon Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos, who were sentenced to 12 years and 11 years, respectively, in October. But the sentences are scheduled to begin Jan. 17, and in lieu of a pardon, the congressmen are asking Gonzalez to request the Justice Department to direct federal prosecutors not to oppose a court motion to keep the agents free on bond during the appeals process.
The drug smuggler was granted immunity for his testimony.
And somewhere in the middle of all the sound bytes the truth sits unknown.
Immediately after whispers of a possible presidential pardon were heard snippets that these guards weren't quite as innocent as originally thought began to be bandied about. The drug dealer was unarmed, so I heard. The border guards used totally unnecessary force, so I heard.
We're keeping an eye on this case. Just because they're AMERICAN border guards shouldn't mean they get a pass for not following the rules and regulations when arresting or enforcing the law for illegal aliens. But just because they're AMERICAN border guards doesn't mean they get mistreated far beyond the crime simply to appease Mexico.
Whatever happened to truth, justice and the American way? Now it's all lies and spin.
Decapitated Daughter
Now here's a True Crime that should be resonating across the fruited plains. A little girl is discovered by her mother, decapitated! First covered on this Blog HERE.
Although I've been browsing the True Crime forums I haven't seen another word about this crime. With the exception of this video report from a load news station CLICK FOR VIDEO REPORT OF CRIME .
The video report by the handsome news guy doesn't give much more information than the original printed report.
One muses at all the hoopla when little Jonbenet Ramsey was found dead in her basement while this child, evidently decapitated by her own father, seems to garner no attention at all!
Tried to Enroll Sex Offender in School; Said He Was His Grandson
Here's a group of perverts for sure.
Four guys, a couple having met online and the other who knows how, all living together and all involved sexually. Whatever that means but it's no mind because if they were all just living together and doing their thing, no one would care.
PRESCOTT, Ariz. (AP) -- Yavapai Sheriff's detectives arrested four men on theft, fraud and other charges after one of them allegedly tried to enroll a 29-year-old convicted sex offender in a Chino Valley school.
Sheriff's office spokeswoman Susan Quayle says school officials called police when 61-year old Lonnie Stiffler used fake documents to try to enroll his 12-year-old grandson.
Detectives learned the grandson was, in fact, 29-year-old Neil Rodreick, a convicted sex offender from Oklahoma.
Now either as an act of supreme "love", or more sinister, as a way to infiltrate the local school for more juvenile attendees to the sex orgy, one of the quartet uses fake documents to enroll a 29 year old member of the group in a local school.
All of these mature fellows denied they had any idea that the 29 year old was anything but 12 years of age, just like he told them.
If it isn't difficult enough to keep track of our kids and ensure their safety, we have the sex perverts joining up in teams to do God only knows what to the school children.
Troubled Teen Stabs Student Just Looking for a Peaceful Life
The parents of James Alenson moved to their new home so they could be "safe". James was stabbed to death on January 19, 2007, by John Odgren.
From the Boston
Prosecutors say the death of James F. Alenson, 15, allegedly at the hands of John Odgren, 16, in a bathroom at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School yesterday before the first bell, was a premeditated act by a troubled teen who will be tried as an adult.
“They had just moved there in September - they moved there to be in a safe place and so the kids could go to a good, safe school,” said the slain boy’s crying aunt, Julie Rossetti, in an interview.
John Odgren has something called Asperger's Syndrome. Classmates share stories of how this young man was constantly asking for ways to kill people and seemed obsessed with death.
I thought the schools closely monitored this sort of thing since Columbine. More accounts have this Odgren wearing black trenchcoats to school and expressing a desire to build an "acid bomb".
From the link above, Asperger's Syndrome is described as a form of autism. Never mind this disease, Odgren's behavior emitted all sorts of warning bells, at least as I see it.
Here's a Hoot...Psychic Declared Shawn Hornbeck Was Dead, Wanted Money to Help Find His Body
Well if nothing else, what with the confusion over why Shawn Hornbeck never tried to escape from Mike Devlin and all the attendant hysteria at the discovery of the two missing boys, at least famed "Psychic" Sylvia Browne will be outed as the fake she is.
From the NY Daily News:
Montel Williams' psychic pal Sylvia Browne told the family of missing Shawn Hornbeck he was dead shortly after the Missouri boy vanished - and later allegedly offered to help locate his body for $700 per half hour.
The popular TV clairvoyant appeared on the "Montel Williams Show" in February 2003, four months after Shawn disappeared, and told Pam and Craig Akers she believed their son was "no longer with us."
For just $700 an hour Browne offered to find Shawn, who she said was dead deep in the woods somewhere.
More True Crime Updates HERE

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